Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Another Treasury!!!!!!

Yippee! We are in another treasury! This time our children's sweater is featured.

Thanks to aktie9 for featuring us!

More great news - I sold my first I Spy Bag yesterday! This one is now gone...

We're in a Treasury!!!!!!!!

Yeh! We've never been in a treasury before. I guess someone out there is finding our stuff! I would put a picture of it here, but I don't know how yet. :)

Thanks to tagyourit for featuring our Christmas tags backed with vintage sheet music.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ah, just when I'm on a roll...

Etsy just crashed, I think. I was on a listing roll! hm. just my luck.

I have been busy over the past few days! My mom made some absolutely FABULOUS Christmas tags to put up on Etsy. So yesterday I tried to capture their essence in photographs. How did I do? I know, it doesn't do them justice! They are just SO pretty.

I have also been working hard on making I Spy Bags. I finally got a good group made and I have listed some! Finally! I came up with some cute ones shaped like stockings. My daughter says they look like elf boots.

I'm gonna try Etsy again. My *nap* time is limited :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Too much to do!!!

Well, yesterday is over and I don't feel like I did much! I guess that's not exactly true. I did get a few purses listed in my Etsy shop, so now I have a whopping 14 items for sale!!!!! With any luck, I'll make a sale today :)

This morning I sat at the sewing machine and tried to fix the I Spy bags my mom and I are making. The original batch just didn't look professional enough. Mom originally sewed them with raw edges out, which looked fine... but then I tried to fill them with the stuff and sew them up and it was a *nightmare* to do! We talked on the phone and decided we would try making them like a pillow and turning them in. Customers won't be able to see that they are double stitched, but we will put that on the tag. I think it will look nicer (and be easier) in the long run. I made one this morning out of this nice pink/orange retro looking fleece with an eye shaped hole. I think the eye shaped hole will become our signature on these bags since others are making them too. We want ours to be a *little* different.

I need to figure out how to post a picture right in the post. I know I have seen others do it. Maybe I'll post on Etsy this evening to find out how. Etsy is such a great community! Everyone is just so helpful, it's refreshing!

Well, I only have a half hour now before my husband goes to work and leaves me with the kids, so I better get something crafty done! LOL Not that my kids wouldn't *love* to help :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Another Saturday Morning

I stayed up too late last night :)
BUT, I vow to get some things done today regardless!

I need to take new photographs of my stickers and cards. I like how the purse pictures turned out, but now the paper goods seem lost and disorganized.I've been spending so much time getting all this computer marketing stuff set up that I regret to inform you that I've created NOTHING new this week. Ahem.

That is about to change! I plan to start a new line of graphic cards - starting today (hopefully). We'll see if my kiddos give me a chance this afternoon (read take a nap) to get some work done! It's easy to get a little computer stuff done here and there because I have my laptop right in the middle of the action in the kitchen. Sneaking off to my studio for some 'me' time is a whole 'nother story, though!

I got my flickr account opened! Here is the link:http://www.flickr.com/photos/greathouse/So far only one photo - as a test - but check back often as I figure out how to work this to my benefit!

Hello world...

I'm new to this blogging thing, but here goes..... My mom and I just opened shop on Etsy.com. What a cool site that is! We started out as addicted Etsy buyers, and finally got up enough courage to start a shop of our own. We are 'those Greathouse women.' Check us out!


I'm JS, the younger of the two ;-)
Welcome to my blog!